Yearly Archives: 2018


Help for a Founding BRAM Member

If you can spare some time on Friday (9/21/18) afternoon between 2PM & 6PM, Melba Henson could use your help. Ron & Melba Henson were part of the original group that started the BR Mustangers and they were longtime members until Ron’s unfortunate passing some years ago due to Huntington Disease. Melba is now selling their house and needs help moving some things from the attic and moving some furniture outside for a garage sale. If you cannot make that time slot but still want to help, just contact Melba at one of the numbers below and I’m sure something can be worked out. Here is the location and contact information:

5356 Bull Run Drive; Baton Rouge, LA 70817

Phones (area code 225): 756-2908 / 939-6137

By |2018-09-20T12:02:32-05:00September 20th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Help for a Founding BRAM Member

Mustang 55th Birthday Events

At one of our previous meetings, I mentioned that the Mustang 55th birthday comes up in 2019 and that a big event was being planned in Charlotte, NC. At that time, there was some question if this was an official MCA sanctioned 55th Celebration or if this was something being promoted by the Mustang Owner’s Museum. I have searched the forums on the MCA website and the following describes what I have learned as of now.

The event in Charlotte is being promoted by the group associated with the Mustang Owner’s Museum. This event will celebrate the Mustang’s 55th birthday (April 17, 2019) and it will also celebrate the official opening of the Mustang Owner’s Museum. At this time, neither MCA or Ford is involved with this event not that either entity is against supporting it. MCA was “burned” in the early 90’s by the first attempt at establishing a Mustang museum so MCA has not been involved with the Mustang Owner’s Museum. I have not found anything concerning Ford’s official position on the Mustang Owner’s Museum but they must have at least given consent to use “Mustang” in their name.

MCA has not done any planning for a 55th Celebration similar to the events put on for the 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, and 50th. You may remember that MCA was heavily criticized for the dual locations (Las Vegas and Charlotte) utilized for the 50th Celebration and I think attendance at that event was not up to expectations. Maybe due to that experience or maybe just because a 55th is not as significant as a 50th, MCA decided that it would not plan any event in the April timeframe to mark the birthday. Instead, MCA plans to “celebrate” the birthday at all of the national shows during 2019 and is adding an additional show/track event in July 2019 in Topeka, KS. Location has not been announced but could be Heartland Motorsports Park.

So, what things boil down to seems to be this. If you want to attend an event that encompasses the true Mustang birth date (April 17th), than you should plan to attend the “55 Years of Mustang” and Mustang Owner’s Museum Grand Opening in Charlotte, NC on April 17-20, 2019. The Grand Opening activities will be at the museum building location and the “55 Years of Mustang” show will be located at Charlotte Motor Speedway. A “MOM’s Mustang Drive to 55” is also being planned. It will start in Stockton, CA at Mustangs Plus on April 8th and arrive in Charlotte, NC on April 15th. Preliminary plans seem to have the Drive go through Mustang, OK; Memphis, TN; Nashville, TN; run the Tail of the Dragon (TN/NC border by the Smokies); and then on to Charlotte. There is information about the Drive on the MOM website ( or you can email

I will update this post as I learn more about this event.

——– Jim

By |2018-07-10T22:44:08-05:00July 10th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Mustang 55th Birthday Events

Welcome To Baton Rouge Area Mustangers

Our club in Baton Rouge, Louisiana welcomes both late and early model Mustangs as well as other Ford model automobiles to join our club. Even if you do not currently own a Mustang, we welcome you to join – you will eventually own a Mustang!

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